- KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SAC AHMEDABAD: Recruitment for various posts has been announced, all the recruitments are covered under the application form and complete details of the advertisement such as age limit, educational qualification, salary scale, etc. are given in this article.
WALK-IN INTERVIEW FOR SESSION 2025-26 A Walk-In Interview will be conducted to prepare a panel of Part-Time/contractual teachers /Coaches (on purely day to day basis) for the post of PGTs (English, Hindi, Physics,Chemistry, Maths, Biology), TGTs (English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Maths, Science, social science ), PRT, Balvatika Teacher, Nurse, Computer Instructor, Games Coach, yoga instructor , Counsellor, Special Educator, Art & Craft Coach, Dance Coach and Gujarati Language Teacher for the session 2025-26 in KV SAC Vastrapur, Ahmedabad on 20.03.2025 at 8:30 A.M. Eligibility Criteria, minimum qualification and application form Can be downloaded from Vidyalaya website & Filled application form must be submitted along with self-attested copies of supporting documents at the time of registration/interview in the Vidyalaya. All are required to come with original documents also. No TA/DA will be provided to any candidate for appearing in the interview.
PGT : :Post Graduate Teacher
(👉English,👉 Hindi, 👉Maths👉,Physics,👉 Chemistry,👉 Biology)
1. Two year’s integrated Post graduate course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned Subject OR Master Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects:
- a) PGT(English) – English
- b) PGT(Hindi) – Hindi or Sanskrit with Hindi as one of the subjects at graduate level.
- c) PGT(Maths) – Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics
- d) PGT(Physics) – Physics/Electronics/Applied Physics/ Nuclear Physics.
- e) PGT(Chemistry) – Chemistry/Bio-chemistry
f) PGT(Biology) – Botany/ Zoology/ life sciences / Genetics/ Micro-Biology/Biotechnology/ Molecular Bio/ plant physiology provided they have studied botany & Zoology at graduation level
2. B.ED. or equivalent degree from recognized university .Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English media desirable : Knowledge of Computer Applications.
💸Salary Rs. 27,500/-
TGT : :Trained Graduate Teacher
(👉English, 👉Hindi, 👉Science,Maths, 👉Sanskrit, 👉social science )
✔Four year’s integrated degree course of Regional college of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate; OR
✔Bachelor Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects and in aggregate. And Pass in the Central Teacher eligibility test (CTET), conducted by CBSE in accordance with the guideline framed by the NCTE for the purpose/ state eligibility Test with B.Ed.
Proficiency in teaching Hindi and English Medium.
✔The elective subjects and languages in the combination of subjects as under: For TGT (Sanskrit): Sanskrit as a subject in all the three years.
✔For TGT (Hindi): Hindi as a subject in all the three years. For TGT (English): English as a subject in all the three years. For TGT (So.St):Any two of the following: History, Geography, Economics and Pol. Science of which one must be either History or Geography. For TGT (Maths)- Bachelor Degree in Maths with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry,Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics.
👉For TGT (Science)- Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.Working knowledge of Hindi & English.
💸Salary Rs. 26,250
- Senior Secondary School Certificate (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) or senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50%marks and 4- year Bachelor of Elementary Education(B.El.Ed.)
- Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50%marks and 2- year Diploma in Education (Special Education)
Graduation with atleast 50% marks & Bachelor of education (B.Ed)
- who has acquired the qualification of Bachelor of education from any NCTE recognized Institution shall be considered for appointment as a teacher in class I– V, provided the person so appointed as a teachers hall mandatorily undergo a six-month bridge course in Elementary Education recognized by the NCTE within Two years of such appointment as Primary Teacher.
1. Qualified in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by the Govt. of India/State Eligibility Test. Proficiency to teach through Hindi &English medium.
💸Salary Rs. 21,250/-
Degree with minimum marks of 50% PGDCA/MCA/BE/B.Sc(COM.SC) from any Govt. recognised institution or any equivalent degree/diploma.
💸Salary Rs.26,250/-
Bachelors Degree in Physical Education or equivalent SAI coaches, NIS/ B.P.Ed./ M.P.Ed./ Diploma or participation in national/ state level with good track record .
💸Salary Rs. 21,250/-
‐ Graduate in any subject or equivalent from a recognized University.
2‐ One year training in Yoga/ 6 months diploma in Yoga from a Recognized Institution
💸Salary Rs. 21,250/-
NURSE B.Sc. Nursing. OR Senior Secondary/Intermediate and three Years Diploma in GNM/ Nursing or equivalent.
💸Rs. 750/- Per Day
(One hour before and One hour After the School) With a total of 07 Hours
SPECIAL EDUCATOR :: XII th passed and two year D.Ed. Special Education in any of the category of disability. OR one year Diploma in Special Education (DSE) in any of the category of disability.
- Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (DCBR)with 6 months Certification course in Education of children with Special Needs.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Community based rehabilitation (PGDCBR) with 6 months certificate course in Education of Children with Special Needs .
- Diploma in Multi Rehabilitation Worker (MRW) with 6 months certificate course in Education of Children with special needs
💸₹ 21,250
👉Qualification for Balvatika Teachers shall be as prescribed by NCTE. Senior Secondary class (Class XII or its equivalent) from a recognized board with at least 50% marks:
👉Diploma in Nursery Teacher Education/ preschool education / Early childhood Education Programme (D.E.C.Ed) of duration of not less than two years or B.Ed(Nursery) from NCTE recognized Institutions.
Salary 💸Rs. 21,250/-Per month consolidated
👉Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent and diploma or equivalent certificate in Dance /art & craft or equivalent from a recognized Institute.
Salary 💸Rs. 21,250/-Per month consolidated
👉M.A/M.Sc (Applied Psychology) from a recognized college or University + Regular one year Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling or M.A/M.Sc/M.Com with B.Ed/ M.Ed qualification
👉+ Regular one year post Graduate Diploma in guidance and Counselling along with minimum of one Year Experience in providing Career/educational counselling to Students at Schools or working knowledge and experience in Placement Bureau or registration with rehabilitation Council.
💸Salary Rs. 26,250/-
Gujarati Language Teacher
BA/ MA (Guj.) with B. Ed. Rs. 21,250/- Per month consolidated
- All PGTs ,TGTs and PRTs will be appointed on contractual basis as per kVS storms .
- No TA/DA will be paid to appear for interview.
- Eligible candidates may walk in for Interview with originals Certificates and one set of photo copies (as per the posts they want to apply for).
- Teachers engaged on contractual basis, would have no claim or right for appointment on regular basis nor will they be a part of the cadre of teachers of KVS.
- Teacher appointed on contractual basis will not be entitled for vacation /Autumn/Winter Break pay.
- Teacher will not be entitled for pay, if remains absent on working day. In case of absence from duty, payment will be calculated on pro rata basis.
- Working hours shall be same as per KVS norms.
Last date for submission of application along with testimonials and PassPort size photo : upto 8:30 am on dated 20‐03‐ 2025
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SAC AHMEDABAD Recruitment 2025 Important Link
Advertisement :- CLICK HERE
Application Form :- CLICK HERE
Offical Website :- CLICK HERE
Q - What is the meaning of the words of the Lord Attachment to the valley of the cottage.
- Ans - Kendriya Vidyalaya An. A. K.S. Ahmedabad
- D. O. S.S. Housing Colony, New i. I. M.Sc. Opposite, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad -380015
- Phone No:- 079-26304694 Website:
Q - What is the meaning of the words?
- Ans- Admission Interview for Panel of Contract Based Teachers (Session – 2025-26) -
Q - What is the meaning of the words in the scriptures?
- Ans - Admission interview for recruitment of contract teachers on contract (daily basis) for the following subjects for the academic session 2025-26 will be held on 20/03/2025 at the school premises.
Q- Are you interested in any of these?
- Ans - For downloading minimum qualification, eligibility information and application form, visit the school website: https://sacahmedabad. e.g. Refer to Interested candidates should be present for interview on 20/03/2025 at 08:30 am with completed application form and self attested required documents. All candidates should bring original documents.
Important Note :-
- All the advertisements and vacancies placed on our website are advertised through the official website and we deliver them to you, so whenever you go to apply, you are kindly requested to visit the official website.
humble advice to job seeker
We would like to make a humble request to all the youth who are looking for a job, whenever you apply and visit the official website, keep reading the official advertisement completely. How to check if this website is really genuine if this website or recruitment is government if it is a private limited company
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